How 2020 Has Taught Background Screeners the Importance of Thinking Ahead

How 2020 Has Taught Background Screeners the Importance of Thinking Ahead

Many businesses have struggled due to the coronavirus, and some have even faced closure and insolvency issues. As such, it has become important for businesses to develop contingency plans in order to survive and thrive in a post-COVID world. The importance of thinking ahead has never been greater, so here are a few things for background checking business to consider during this time.

Refining Remote Work Procedures

Screening companies have a lot to think about when it comes to improving business at this time, and implementing work-from-home procedures can be hugely beneficial. Remote work allows you to make the most of social distancing, and it keeps your employees safe while allowing them to effectively fulfill their responsibilities. Testing and refining work-from-home procedures at this time will not only help companies find their footing for the duration of the pandemic but will also benefit them during future crises, such as natural disasters, where brick and mortar operations are not an option.

Operating with Limited Court Access

Many courts have closed their doors to comply with social distancing standards, and while the courts have been doing what they can to make record information available through remote means it is the background screening companies’ responsibility to return results regardless. Jurisdictions with robust online resources before the pandemic may be unaffected, but for regions such as San Diego where most operations were conducted on-site it is important to take note of all available record resources at this time and devise new procedures for the long run. These new procedures will only serve as improvements during post-COVID times, and can prove useful during future crises to boot.

Maintaining FCRA-Compliance

While accessing records is an obstacle in and of itself for screening companies at this time, it is also important to ensure that the information you are reporting is accurate nonetheless. A company’s new procedures must account for reporting inaccuracies that might not have been an issue when boots-on-the-ground records research was the modus operandi. Discovering remote verification options at this time will not only serve as a testament to a company’s reliability, but it may also uncover procedures that are more time- and cost-effective than the previous norm without sacrificing quality.

These are some of the core ideas that can help background screening companies at this time, and we at File Finders have been implementing all of them. Despite the obstacles that San Diego records research has presented during the pandemic, we have maintained our quick turnaround times, affordable prices, comprehensive results, and responsive customer support since the beginning. While we devised some of our procedures specifically in-response to the coronavirus, our adaptability is thanks to our ability to apply these universal contingency plan elements to our own methodology. As such, we encourage other background screening companies to do the same.