What Background Screeners Need to Know About Prop 20

Conducting employment background checks is critical in the world of business and there are several things that play a role in this process. While Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRA’s) play a major role in the employment screening process, behind the scenes, local criminal record research providers also play a pivotal role in helping businesses make the […]
How 2020 Has Taught Background Screeners the Importance of Thinking Ahead

Many businesses have struggled due to the coronavirus, and some have even faced closure and insolvency issues. As such, it has become important for businesses to develop contingency plans in order to survive and thrive in a post-COVID world. The importance of thinking ahead has never been greater, so here are a few things for […]
Why Consumer Reporting Agencies Should be Wary of “Data Only” Records Searches

Why CRAs Should be Wary of “Data Only” Records Searches As advancements in court technologies allow for more and more records to be accessed online, research companies continue to evolve their processes in order to provide CRAs with information as efficiently and accurately as possible. The latest of such trends is the emergence of automated court […]